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  • The Seale Team


Hasn’t the time flown by? We’re already celebrating our 3rd birthday, and what a three years it has been.

From the highs of getting the business started, through the lows created by the Pandemic, and the hard work conducted by what has been a terrific group of people to work with (employees, suppliers and clients alike). All of which has led to the success of Seale and the further investment that enables us to keep on growing and continue providing our clients with a quality of service that has enhanced our reputation within the industry; a big thank you to you all.

Steve, our graphic designer sadly left back in April 2022 to pursue his dream job... of being a postman, and we wish him all the best for the future. But onwards and upwards, we now have Alex, who has taken to the role in no time. He brings a fresh new enthusiasm and style to our design work, and our clients have been very pleased with the results.

We’re all now looking forward to year four, having invested in a brand-new laser printer to supplement our previous investment in a state-of-the-art enclosing line. All this adds up to an improved service for our clients and helps achieve our primary objective of complete customer satisfaction.

As you will have seen, to celebrate this fantastic milestone, and to demonstrate the skill of our in-house design team, we have freshened up our branding, complete with a modernised logo and shiny new website. We hope you enjoy visiting our new website, and learning more about the benefits of working with Seale, and as always, we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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